Staying in the organization

Shiue-Kuan Lin

Shiue-Kuan Lin


Bachelor in International Business


My semester-long internship at the Garden of Hope Foundation was an unforgettable journey that deeply impacted my perspective on global advocacy. Working in the Department of International Affairs, I contributed to the Asian Girls Campaign, focusing on event publicity, data integration, and translation work. Crafting compelling stories and ensuring accurate information was rewarding, as was witnessing the campaign's growing support. The internship also exposed me to the challenges of iNGO work, including balancing multiple tasks and navigating complex collaborations. This internship was more than just a professional experience; it was a journey of personal growth and discovery. I am proud of the contributions I made and the skills I developed, and I am inspired by the resilience and strength of the people I met. The lessons I learned at GOH will stay with me, guiding my future endeavors in advocacy and social justice!